Wood Elf Hermit Druid – Slaves of Troustar Character Back Story

This is an example back story for the D&D 5e campaign, Slaves of Troustar.Lint to Slaves of Troustar Contents Page

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You in the World

You know little of the world outside your special part of the forest. You know the capital of the elven empire Myrast lies across Lake Holoust to the east and even you have heard of the multicultural hotpot of Ac Rumb in the Vesluvian Empire.

Something has been troubling your forest of late. You can’t put your finger on it, it is more of a subtle scent – no stench on the wind that knots at your stomach. Your desire for your peaceful home and your curiosity conflict with each other until you awake one night in a sweat. You need to move…the nose out the abnormalities…the wrong. You leave your forest home set between Holoust Lake and the Brafous Range and head South for the first time out beyond the protection of the great elven forest of Alastian and into the realm of dwarf and human.

You make your way south across the great Melefous River and over the Garuhm Range and into the Turm Forest. In the Turm Forest you notice what could be described as a smugglers track recently used. You follow…

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Wood Elf Outlander Ranger (2) – Slaves of Troustar Character Back Story

This is an example back story for the D&D 5e campaign, Slaves of Troustar.Lint to Slaves of Troustar Contents Page

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You in the World

If your short life – for elf years – has taught you anything, it’s that you don’t quite fit in anywhere. You might be an elf but you have the curiosity of a human and the drinking capacity of a battle dwarf. This made you unpopular among your classmates in the elvish capital of Myrast and soon you had had enough and decided to explore the forests of your world making a living trading furs and foraged items from the Palarian Forest where you picked up Dwarvish, trading with the Todmin Empire.

But that still was not enough to sate your wanderlust. One drunken blurry night in the Dwarven capital of Vem Lodur you meet a very charismatic and considerably handsome blond warrior – well for a human anyway – named Bartleby who seduces you with stories of adventure, mystery and intrigue. As you leave his cot the next morning you eyes caress his muscled body. No regrets. While the love of the previous night was a joy, what he has to offer for your future is far more interesting – Spying for the most multicultural nation ever known, Velsuvia.

Over the last year, your tasks have been simple, keep to your favoured environment, the forest and observe and report. At last a purpose for your travel instead of a soulless whim.

Your latest mission was to travel to the Turm Forest and observe the unusual movements of brigands in the area who seem to be kidnapping people and using old smuggler’s trails. A side mission for you has been to observe the progress of three companions an elf like yourself, a dwarf and a human monk. Should they get into trouble you are to intervene and if you see fit join their party.

NOTE: Don’t give away who you work for or who is your controller, Bartleby.

At last you finally come across some brigands. You have been observing their whereabouts for two days now until you recognise the three companions described to you. What to do…

Human Paladin Soldier – Slaves of Troustar Character Back Story

This is an example back story for the D&D 5e campaign, Slaves of Troustar.Lint to Slaves of Troustar Contents Page

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You in the World

The military has always been in your bloodline, but something is just not right about it. You grew up in the warmer southern reaches of the Vesluvian Empire in Raglow. Even before the reign of Lord Vecevious, Raglow has been the training grounds for the Vesluvian military. It is a strategic place too. To the west lies the Orcan Planes and it requires no small amount of presence to keep the peace with the Orcs who are often want to forget that raping and pillaging is no longer the status quo in the world. And across the Bellofaster Sea to the East lies the dragonborn empire of Ch’Rath. The Ch’Rath are merchants and the very loosest sense of the term and often need to be deterred from the Vesluvian shores.

Over the past months your concerns about the increasing hostilities with the Orcs and rumours of the Vesluvian navy being compromised have started to stir the barracks. Your superiors are tight-lipped to point of cruelty to those who ask too many questions.

You have had enough of the lies and the corruption. Clearly Lord Vecevious is running Ac Rumb for his own sinister designs. Your posting has come to an end and it is not a hard decision to hand in your discharge papers. The only pull at your heartstrings is the disappointment from your family. You excuse your discharge as a pilgrimage to find deeper knowledge alluding to the chance to return to the military once you are done. That seems to have appeased them.

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Thief Human Assassin – Slaves of Troustar Character Back Story

This is an example back story for the D&D 5e campaign, Slaves of Troustar.Lint to Slaves of Troustar Contents Page

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You in the World

Leaping from the crammed rooftops of Raglow you turn briefly to glimpse the torch flames attached to the clanking sound of guards as they attempt to chase you across the rooftops. A bolt flies by your right ear and clangs onto to tiled roof before arching over the gutter and into the street below. You take a gulp of air to control your ragged breathing and hurtle forward into the night.

You failed, your task. You only had one chance to make the kill to become a member of the Assassin’s Guild and you blew it. Was it a false move, a shaky hand or some hidden sense of compassion that should have been tucked away in a dark place a long time ago. No time to wonder. You need to flee; to get out of this city and fast. And you know exactly where you are going to go.

That poster advertising adventure seems like the next best step, but right now you need to make your escape from Raglow.

Continue reading “Thief Human Assassin – Slaves of Troustar Character Back Story”

Half Elf Water Monk – Slaves of Troustar Character Back Story

This is an example back story for the D&D 5e campaign, Slaves of Troustar.Lint to Slaves of Troustar Contents Page
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You in the World

You embark from Mia Partis heading northeast aboard a small open deck merchant vessel to the mighty centre of culture, Ac Rumb. A lifetime in the Monastery of O has filled you with the refreshing clarity that an only absolute devotion to the element of water can provide. This devotion to the mysteries of O, arduous training in it its secret arts and long hours of contemplation, have prepared you well for a life in the order but not a life in the world. The final step in your novitiate is to embark and explore the world. Is there are secret mission you must undertake or were you sent merely to experience the world and return when the water calls you? Or was there another reason…?

Your small monastery rests on one of the tiny delta islands that make up the river town of Mia Partis. Your monastery’s island is known by the locals as Reg A’sm. Loosely translated from the old tongue this means, shuddering eruption. It was thought, that centuries ago when the first pilgrims of the order of O appeared in Mia Partis and used their powerful ki energy on the waters of the delta to erupt forth the island causing the lands to convulse and shudder.

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Wood Elf Ranger Outlander – Slaves of Troustar Character Back Story

This is an example back story for the D&D 5e campaign, Slaves of Troustar.Lint to Slaves of Troustar Contents Page

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You in the World

You embark from deep within the great Elven forest of Alastia between two great elven cities Myrast on the Lake of Haloust to the south and the forested city of Estbara in the north.

Wood elves are solitary beings preferring to inhabit their own pockets of forest with their own family groups or small villages. You however, were born with the eyes of the distant traveller; always in focus for what lays beyond the next valley and over the next range.

In your comparatively young life you have travelled to almost all parts of the Alastian forest. This is no mean feat. The forest is vast and runs from the Brofous ranges in the west to the Forgotten Territories in the east, and from the gnomish kingdom of the Pinnacle Mountains in the South.

A shy race, you rarely communicate with other cultures and races, preferring the solitude and protection of the forest, but recently something has changed. Something is calling you to wander yet further.

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Pregame for Slaves of Troustar

003 PregameLint to Slaves of Troustar Contents Page

Previous Post:

Pregame Introduction

Slaves of Troustar sets each player out on their own path. Each starting player discovers a poster inviting them to travel to Ac Rumb and join a party for adventure, fame and fortune.

Top Secret Note: When players first meet they will know nothing of each other and barely be able to tell what their companions look like let alone their race, class and background. This means that there can be no game Zero for the players and the Dungeon Master.

Instead, preparation for the game starts with a short correspondence between players and the DM. I recommend that after you receive a reply from the initial invitation you take some time and take a look at the map and history to place characters in the world.

The invitation

Before the game, players are sent an invitation. The invitation contains a poster that their character finds and some further details on character creation.

Try an get the invitations sent out at least a week before you start your game. This will give you some time to prepare some of the characters backgrounds. Also make sure you get your players to respond to your invitation ASAP.

Invitation to Slaves of Troustar

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Setup for Slaves of Troustar

 002 – SetupLint to Slaves of Troustar Contents Page


Click here for 001 Story

Now that the scene has been set for the start of this campaign, we can dive into the setup.

What You Need To Play

This is a 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign and requires:

  • The Players Handbook 5e
  • The Monster Manual 5e
The Monster Manual 5e
The Monster Manual 5e
The Player's Handbook 5e
The Player’s Handbook 5e





Most of the other maps, encounter material, artwork, NPC stats, and history can be found on this website.

Maps and artwork can be used digitally or printed as the Dungeon Master (DM) sees fit.

A copy of the Dungeon Master’s Guide would also be beneficial, but not essential.

Resources for Slaves of Troustar can be found on the campaign’s index page, searhed through or browsed using the categories:

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Introduction to Slaves of Troustar

Slaves of Troustar Art for Dungeons and Dragons 5e Campaign

001 – StoryLint to Slaves of Troustar Contents Page

Murmerings of  slave trade, increased Orcan raids from the southern plains and, tensions between the dwarvish empire of Todimn and the elves of the Alastian Empire are putting considerable strain on the Vesluvian Empire and the region. Patrician of Vesluvia, Lord Vecevious, may not be able to hold on to this hard won peace that he forged some fifty years past. Will there be war or can someone forge out a new peace to the region.

Little do the leaders of these realms know, something old, something dark, something from those Forgotten Territories now only mentioned in song and stories to scare children is causing the decent and unrest among the empires in an attempt to weaken them. The followers of Troustar – a dark being set on returning the Forgotten Territories to it’s former glory – are working in the shadows to create war.

Continue reading “Introduction to Slaves of Troustar”